Saturday, July 17, 2010

Homemade recipe for removing stretch marks

Homemade recipe for removing stretch marks.
1 cup olive oil
1 cup coconut oil
2 oz vitamin e oil (10-12 capsules)
6 vitamin a capsules
Heat on low to melt coconut oil and blend ingredients store in fridge (for lotion bar as it will harden) or in cupboard for your basic oil

6-8oz cocoa butter(this one is my fave)
6 oz almond oil
4 oz coconut oil
2 oz vitamin e oil
6 vitamin a capsules
Heat on low to melt coconut oil and cocoa butter blend ingredients store in fridge (for lotion bar as it will harden) or in cupboard for your basic oil

First i exfoliate (great for removing dead skin cells and rejuvinating skin) basically it wakes up your skin and prepares it to absorb moisture at its best Get a loofah and your bodywash of choice preferably with exfoliating beads, scrub in circular motions for a good 3-5 minutes then apply oil within 3 minutes of getting out of the shower its recommended to massage into skin so i spend about 5 minutes massaging into my skin. Keep applying this mixture on a daily basis and just be patient.

Watch as Cosmetic Lasers Reduce & Eliminate My Stretch Marks

Stretch Marks Treatment

Let's attack stretch marks and stretch mark treatment at the core starting now.
One can easily imagine the kind of embarrassment women have to undergo with ugly stretch marks. It is often more painful to live with these purplish red scars than pregnancy itself.

These scars are caused when your skin accommodates the extra weight within the limited frame of your body. The dermis layer of skin starts stretching and at one point it exceeds the elasticity of skin. Micro bleeding starts in the inner layers of skin which show up as red or purple stripes.

The question of "how to get rid of stretch marks" has been a point of interest for many people for a long time. Stretch marks are basically scarring in the middle layer of your skin, which is renowned for being resilient, as its primary function is to help your skin retain its shape.

They are usually associated with when you have a rapid spurt growth of the skin. Some examples of this are; when you''re pregnant, when you gain a lot of weight in a short space of time or puberty.

Stretch Mark Treatment:

1. Getting rid of stretch marks is not an over night process. It will take continued application of a product such as TriLASTIN or Revitol Stretch Mark Cream, so be prepared to take five minutes out of each and everyday to keep to the routine that will eventually rid you of these nasty little surprises.

2. Although stretch marks are not really unhealthy but rather just a cosmetic problem, there are many removal creams out there such as Palmers cocoa butter,
Revitol and many others.

There are also treatments in the form of tretinoin, isotretinoin and adapelen that can be used to try to remove stretch marks.

3. One of the properties of Cocoa Butter is that it has the ability to penetrate that top layer of skin, and get down into the dermis to work properly. But does it really cure stretch marks? The answer is yes and no. So Cocoa Butter is pretty amazing stuff, but unfortunately it's no wonder cure for Striae scars, but it can be a good weapon in your arsenal for the fight against stretch marks. For best results, use Cocoa Butter in conjunction with a good collagen boosting stretch mark cream, and you may find yourself winning the battle against those ugly scars.

4. All creams are designed to help prevent the problem and reduce their appearance. Creams are particularly effective on early marks. However, you should try using all-natural creams to treat older or white stretch marks. All-natural creams are considered more effective because the ingredients are safer and easily absorbed by the body. Also worth mentioning is they do not cause side effects.

5. Natural remedies are the best way to treat this condition and tend to cost the least. When dealing with stretch marks treatment take into consideration that these creams usually cost around 30 dollars or more, depending on the type and the prescription which is still a lot less than surgery.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Stretch Mark Surgery

Let's talk about stretch mark surgery as an option and if its right for you.
Stretch marks are experienced by both men and women.They can be quite disturbing and can prevent you from wearing certain outfits and be yourself. This can also have an impact on your self confidence.

Fortunately,there is a new surgical treatment which could help you in getting rid of these ugly stretch marks. The procedure adopted here deals with restoring the skin collagen and also lends a natural look to your skin.

Though this procedure has certain obvious advantages, it also has certain shortcomings as mentioned below:

1) Unproven

This technique has still not been proven to be 100% accurate. Lasers are basically adopted to vaporize, remove and also for breaking down of the tissues. They are not effective in repairing the tissues. Stretch marks are caused due to tearing of tissues. There are many Doctors who claim laser surgery for getting permanently rid of these stretch marks.

Clinical Research has proven that laser surgery may not be helpful in getting rid of stretch marks. To sum it up, there are still doubts on the 100% guarantee that stretch marks can be removed completely.

2) Old marks

Even well known doctors who claim 100% accuracy do not guarantee removal of old marks. Old stretch marks would fade over a period of time and would not respond successfully to laser treatment. The laser pulsed light is best when used on recent marks which are either brown or red in color. When the laser light is focused specifically on very new marks, then lightening those stretch marks would not be much of an issue.

3) Expensive

Laser treatment surgery is an expensive method of getting rid of stretch marks. It may not be an option for everyone to resort to this treatment. Hence, this could be a very great disadvantage. Depending on the severity of the stretch marks, the prices may vary. The price ranges from $ 2000 to $ 4000 per treatment. It may not be possible for an ordinary person to shell so much for getting a laser treatment done.

4) Pink puckered look

Laser treatment comes with a variety of side effects. The area gets pink in some days if you resort to this treatment. The skin appears pink and puckered. Individuals who have undergone this treatment may experience burning sensation on the area where laser surgery has been done. Sometimes, the area also turns red and gets swollen.

Many patients also experience a brown discoloration of the skin which could be permanent. Women experience stretch marks during pregnancy and also after they have delivered. These stretch marks form scars which are visible on the arms, abdomen, butt and hips. They are visible anywhere. Laser therapy may not be the right option for getting rid of these stretch marks.

Despite the above limitations, this is a treatment that is well worth the effort. After all if you can manage to reduce or eliminate certain stretch marks through surgery and can afford the cost, it is something that you can definitely opt for.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Are you looking for a way to get rid of those ugly stretch marks? Then keep reading.
Stretch mark, also known as striae by dermatologists, is a skin disorder produced by different kind of occurrences. However, the instance is the same; for a determined reason there is an overstretching of the skin. This interrupts the production of collagen, the protein that our body uses for connecting our tissue.

Always drink plenty of water. Adequate hydration keeps your skin soft and less likely to develop stretch marks. Caffeine can increase your risk of stretch marks. If you''re stuck on your caffeinated coffee or tea, make sure you balance the fluids. Drink just as much?or more?water as you drink coffee, tea, or soda. Stretch marks can also result from nutritional deficiency. Be sure to consume foods that promote skin health: foods rich in zinc, such as nuts or fish; foods high in vitamins A and C, such as carrots and citrus fruits and milk; protein-rich foods, such as eggs.

Stretch mark prevention will save you the trouble of getting rid of stretch marks once they''ve occurred. Stretch marks occur because the collagen and elastin that bind your skin are stressed during weight gain, resulting in tears in your skin''s elastic fibers. Typically, on light-skinned women, stretch marks will appear red or pinkish. Darker-skinned women will notice that their stretch marks are lighter than the surrounding skin. They may appear on your abdomen, buttocks, breasts or thighs.

Use other creams if you prefer. Good examples include Palmers cocoa butter, mederma cream; Retin A cream (but only if you''re not pregnant); Vitamins A, E, or K; caster oil; laser surgery, in extreme cases; and thiosinaminum, which is a chemical extracted from mustard seed oil.

Maintain healthy hydrated skin by drinking plenty of water. Hydrated skin remains soft, supple, and less likely to develop stretch marks. Caffeinated coffee, tea, and soda tend to dehydrate the skin leaving you more vulnerable to stretch marks. Eat foods that promote skin health such as foods high in zinc, vitamins A, C, and D, and protein rich foods.

Excessively rapid weight gain as found in pregnancy and bodybuilding or on the other hand excessive weight loss.

Shea butter is a great moisturizer to minimize the appearance of stretch marks. It softens and smoothes the skin. You can find it at a health food store or an ethnic market in your area.

Currently there is no way to actually repair damaged skin fibers, so one alternative to get rid of stretch marks is to remove them. This requires cosmetic surgery. During surgery, the skin is cut away; though in some instances, doctors cannot remove all of the damage. An added benefit of cosmetic surgery is the ability to pull the remaining skin taut. This will also improve the appearance of stretch marks.

Most creams are not effective in making your stretch marks disappear is because they cannot penetrate deep enough into the skin to repair the damage. Most customers are disappointed because they only relieve the itch caused the stretch marks. They could not prevent them from developing. However, there are a few creams in the market that get rid of stretch marks. They are effective because they contain active ingredients such as collagen, vitamin E, Retin A, and elastin.

Vitamin E oil is very popular massage oil during pregnancy to prevent stretch marks. These stretch marks creams and stretch mark oils have been specifically designed to keep your skin taut and firm during pregnancy. TriLASTIN and Palmers cocoa butter with vitamin E can help because they add elasticity to your skin and help it to return to its natural condition. Vitamin E is useful both inside and outside of the body. When taken as a supplement it is a powerful antioxidant for protecting and healing the skin.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How To Remove Stretch Marks Naturally

Stretch marks are fine scars on your body that start out as pink, reddish brown, brown, or very dark brown or purple streaks Stretchmarks are not harmful to your health ? they will gradually begin to fade over the years becoming a pale white shade, lighter than the surrounding skin

Stretch marks are fine scars on your body that start out as pink, reddish brown, brown, or very dark brown or purple streaks. These marks are not harmful to your health ? they will gradually begin to fade over the years becoming a pale white shade, lighter than the surrounding skin.

When young people are going through hormonal fluctuations during puberty the skin is pulled by the rapid growth or stretching. These periods of growth tend to damage the elastic fibers inside the skin, deep beneath the skin''s surface. Girls will notice these marks on their hips, breasts, thighs and abdomen. And while they''re more common in girls, guys can get stretch marks, too.

Overstretching reduces the production of collagen in our skin,normally very elasic and resilient. A natural protein, collagen acts like a glue and is the body''s major support structure. Without it we would literally fall apart. Our skin is our body''s largest organ and it produces collagen every day. This essential protein gives the skin 90% of its volume.

After the age of about 25-35, our bodies produce less collagen. It is reduced at a rate of about 1.5% a year. When this happens, you will begin to notice signs of aging and stretch marks will appear if skin is stretched too much.

To prevent stretch marks, we need to stop the disruption in the body''s production of collagen. (drink more water) If the elastic fibers that help our skin to stretch are kept more elastic, you are less likely to get stretchmarks.

Body builders who have ''pumped up'' too quickly can cause stretch marks from overstretched muscles. Men and women can cause stretch marks as a result of gaining or losing weight too quickly. Adolescent girls may notice stretch marks on thighs and breasts as a result of new growth and development.

Rosehip Oil

Known as Rosa Mosqueta, this rosehip oil is pressed from the rosehip seeds of one type of wild rose grown in the Andes of South America. It contains an extremely high percentage of essential fatty acids and Vitamin C.
Scars even 20 years old respond well to this oil when other therapies fail, and burned skin heals faster because of the regeneration of tissue. A natural cream containing Rosa Mosqueta is especially suited to treat damaged skin conditions and can completely eradicate stretch existing marks.

Therapeutic Essential Oils

Carefully selected for their gentle healing properties and to minimize existing stretch marks, these essential oils reduce and prevent stretch marks: geranium, lavender, frankincense and myrrh.

Natural Oils

The following cold-pressed oils have soothing and healing properties to get rid of stretch marks: sweet almond oil, olive oil, avocado oil, carrot oil, coconut oil as well as cocoa butter.

Anti-Oxidants such a vitamins A and C rejuvenate tissue and promote collagen production.

Drink plenty of water! This simple remedy strengthens the skin.

Avoid (or reduce) caffeine drinks and alcoholic drinks which dehydrate the skin.

Avoid excessive weight gain to prevent stretchmarks from getting worse.

Massage the skin in the area of the stretchmarks.This act alone increases circulation to the affected area and stimulates new tissue growth. Any cream or massage oil will do for massage. However, creams containing oils with healing properties such as vitamin E and Rosa Mosqueta oil are the best choice to prevent scarring and limit the amount of damage.
Francine Davidovich does research

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks on Legs

Stretch Marks & Pregnancy Treatment Tips

Stretch marks during pregnancy occur because the collagen and elastin that bind your skin are stressed during weight gain, resulting in tears in your skin''s elastic fibers.


The glucocorticoid hormones responsible for the development of stretch marks affect the epidermis by preventing the fibroblasts from forming collagen and elastin fibers, necessary to keep rapidly growing skin taut. This creates a lack of supportive material, as the skin is stretched and leads to dermal and epidermal tearing. If the epidermis and the dermis has been penetrated, laser will not remove the stretch marks.

Stretch marks occur when expanding skin is stretched to its limit and tiny tears appear in the supporting layers of skin. Common in pregnancy, stretch marks affect 50-90% of pregnant women. Eat a healthy, diverse and balanced diet that keeps your weight gain within the recommended range of 25 to 35 pounds. Stretch mark prevention will save you the trouble of getting rid of stretch marks once they''ve occurred. Drink plenty of water. Hydration is important for your overall health and well-being as well as that of your growing baby, and it is critical to healthy skin. The most common treatment is laser surgery for stretch marks. Take your vitamins.

Lotions and Creams

There are plenty over-the-counter treatments for stretch marks. If you are a woman who is pregnant and you are concerned with stretch marks, let your physician know you want to begin preventative treatment before your stomach starts growing. Often, your physician can recommend creams like Revitol or Palmers stretch mark remover.

Factors that influence whether or not a pregnant woman will get stretch marks include:

-- Heredity: if your mother had them, it is likely you will too.

-- Ethnicity: women with greater amounts of melanin in their skin are less prone.

-- Water: ingested during pregnancy, keeping skin hydrated decreases the chance a woman will get stretch marks.

Stretch Marks & Pregnancy Treatment Tips

1. Using lasers to remove stretch marks works because it repairs the skin''s natural synthesis of collagen.

2. Collagen is a protein rich compound occurring in the body that repairs and rejuvenates skin tissue.

3. Drink plenty of water, as this will keep your skin hydrated and make the collagen supple and soft. This will help minimize the appearance of stretch marks. Regular massage during pregnancy also helps in minimizing these marks.

4. A surgical procedure for removing lower abdominal stretch marks is the tummy tuck, which removes the skin below the navel where stretch marks frequently occur.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Revitol Stretch Mark Remover Cream

Revitol Stretch Mark remover Cream

Are discolored lines across your body making you lose your self-confidence? Are you still suffering from post pregnancy depression because of stretch marks? If you answer yes for any of the above questions I think we can help you out.

Pregnancy stretch marks are a common problem amongst pregnant women. Moreover, after birth these marks tend to become even brighter and uglier. Many women feel that it is almost impossible to get rid of such marks, but it is not true. Stretch marks creams offer a good solution for removing stretch marks. However, you should be careful with your selection. There are many stretch marks available in market but not all of them are as good as Revitol.

Revitol stretch mark Cream is a revolutionary anti-stretch mark cream that can help you get rid of those ugly discolored lines. It is one of the best stretch mark creams available in market today.

Known around the world Ultra Herbal, LLC is one of the most popular skin care brand providing solutions to a large number of skin problems. They are one of the top herbal product companies and are known worldwide for skin care solutions.

Revitol stretch mark remover Cream is manufactured and distributed by Ultra Herbals, LLC. Revitol stretch mark cream is an herbal product and it does not carry any side effect. The ingredients used in this cream are completely natural and will be easily absorbed by your body. Therefore, it is completely safe for you to apply it during your pregnancy days minus the worry.

This herbal cream is a natural blend of ingredients like Aloe Vera extracts, Squalene oil; grapefruit seed extract, vitamin E, and Vitamin A Palmitate. All these ingredients have a restorative effect and help you achieve a healthy beautiful looking skin. Ingredients like Squalene oil, grapefruit seed extract, vitamin E simulate skin regeneration and production of new skin cells.

However, for best effects it is recommended to apply this cream before and during pregnancy. However, if because of some reason you could not apply the cream during your pregnancy days, you can still treat your stretch marks by using this cream after pregnancy.

Now that you are aware of this cream, you should also know that this cream should only be brought from a credible source who offers money back guarantee such as No one wants to use a cream on a body part and not get results.

If you are looking for the best solution to remove stretch marks, go for Revitol stretch mark remover cream along with Palmers cocoa butter (vitamin E. Keep in mind there is no overnite cure for removing stretch marks. Concentrate on using the cream mixture daily while drinking plenty of water, be patient positive results will come...

Monday, July 12, 2010

How To Minimize Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Remove Stretch Marks The Best Treatments

Remove stretch Marks - The best Treatments Revealed

Stretch marks are a nightmare for every woman. The very sight of those ugly looking discolored lines makes a woman feel traumatic. Their self-confidence drops and they start feeling helpless about it. The most common cause of stretch marks is pregnancy. Most women develop scars and purplish streaks on their arms, abdomen, buttocks, breasts and hips after pregnancy.

Stretch marks are caused when skin is stretched beyond a certain point. It then looses all its elasticity and becomes dull and lifeless. This stretching also disrupts the production of a major protein called collagen, making the skin look lifeless. This lifeless skin is called as stretch mark. There are many ways to get rid of these horrible looking marks.

? A healthy diet to prevent occurrence of stretch marks:

A healthy diet plays a very important role in preventing stretch marks. One should include Vitamins A, C, E and zinc in his or her diet to prevent stretch marks. Foods rich in vitamin C also help in keeping your skin glowing. Drinking lot of water also helps. A regular and effective exercise routine is also important for preventing these stretch marks.

? Stretch mark removal creams and lotions:

Another very common and popular way to remove stretch marks is the use of creams, ointments and lotions. These creams are manufactured specially to remove stretch marks. There are many products available in market but some of the most popular creams are:

I. Revitol Stretch mark cream: Revitol stretch mark Cream is a revolutionary anti-stretch mark cream that can help you remove stretch marks. It is completely natural and made from natural ingredients like Aloe Vera extracts, Squalene oil, grapefruit seed extract, vitamin E, and Vitamin A Palmitate. Because of these natural ingredients, the skin easily absorbs it and help restores skin elasticity and collagen structure.

II. Palmer''s stretch mark cream: This cream is unique mixture of organic ingredients like Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter, Vitamin E, Collagen, Elastins, Lavender Oil and Soybean Oil which deeply penetrates in the skin and provides intensive treatment to stretch marks.

III. TriLastin SR may very well be the most used stretch mark cream due to its
amazing results and reviews worlwide. This cream is loaded with natural ingredients
that provide lasting results if used daily with proper diet.

? Home remedies to remove stretch marks:

If you do not trust commercially available creams and lotions, you can even use some home remedies to remove stretch marks. Luke warm olive oil can be applied to the affected position to reduce the visibility of stretch marks. Calendula and lavender oil can also be used as they improve blood circulation. Castor oil can also be applied on stretch marks on stomach.

? Laser Removal Of Stretch Marks:

If creams and lotions are not showing any effect on stretch marks then it is better to go for laser treatment. However, it should be the last step. In laser treatment, a powerful laser is used to burn the skin around stretch marks. This is done to improve the speed of skins natural healing process.

So if you are fed up of stretch marks, just follow these methods and I am sure you will soon be able to get rid of stretch marks.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Laser Removal Of Stretch Marks Is it Safe?

The skin is one of the bases of one's beauty. If there are badges like stretch marks on your skin, you can't help but feel a bit down and unattractive. Psychologically speaking, having these reminders embedded on the skin produce a great effect on one's self-esteem. Don't worry too much because you are not alone in this world who is confronted with the problems on the ugly marks on the skin. This scarring can be oftentimes found on the arms, thighs, legs, stomach, and breasts. They are nonetheless the effect of too much stretching of the skin. But don't fret now. There is a product of modern technology that you can turn to. It is none other than the laser removal of stretch marks.

Experts have discovered that stretch marks come as the result of the interruption in the quality of the dermis which is the inner layer of the skin. When there is not enough elastin and collagen produced underneath the skin, its elasticity and moisture are also affected. Thus, small and indented linear blemishes appear. People who have been through a period of pregnancy, fast weight gain or weight loss, and the growth encountered during puberty can nowadays avail of the laser removal of stretch marks.

Laser Removal of Stretch Marks Elucidated

You may wonder how laser removal technology can actually work on the removal of the scars. Here is the catch. Stretch marks and scars contain the same etiology so therefore the same procedure is done on them. During the procedure, a professional practitioner uses a special kind of laser beam that goes deep through the skin. It then slackens off the collagen fibers which prompt the relaxation of the marks or scars. More so, the laser energy causes some mild tenderness on the dermis structures so the human body is automatically motivated to restructure the said area to produce a new skin. As time goes by, the marks and scars can gradually disappear. A series of laser treatment appointments is sure to give you a positive result.

Every session for the laser removal of stretch marks can take about 30 up to 60 minutes depending on the affected area and their size. The professional practitioner is likely to be the one to suggest to you the number of times that the session needs to be done. It usually depends on the skin color and type as well as the severity of the marks. However, the normal range of treatment sessions occurs for about five up to six times every other month.

The Safety of Laser Removal of Stretch Marks in Question

Many of you may wonder is there is pain felt during the treatment. The pulse of laser can give you a slight feeling of being pinched just like how you will feel when a rubber band is snapped on your skin. But don't worry since the lasers contain a special cooling tool that keeps a tolerable temperature. Therefore, pain is minimized at the most.

The technology used for the laser removal of stretch marks is generally safe. It is often the resort of many people who can no longer contain their worries about these scars and marks. The old and new skin marks are removed since the laser beams are geared towards targeting the mending of the skin's collagen.

With the laser removal of stretch marks, the repair is done both on the inner and outer layers of the skin. When it comes to safety, there is a guarantee. Take note though that it can be really costly.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Stretch Mark Therapy

Cosmetyn-Intense Stretch Mark Therapy is a clinically proven formula that reduces stretch marks. It also can decrease the appearance of freckles, blotches, age spots and discolored skin. The formula consists of Demaplex-12 Complex, which is a mixture of vitamins, peptides and natural extracts that act collectively to disappear and restore stretch marks and stop new ones from starting. The ingredients in Demaplex-12 Complex have moisturizers and potent antioxidants that nurture and soothe the skin.

Through a clinical study, Cosmetyn-Intense Stretch Mark Therapy was proven to reduce 35% of the appearance of stretch marks. This was after the formula was used for eight weeks, two times a day. Also, the same study also showed a decrease in age spots by 65% and a significant increase in the moisture level in the skin. These results are why people that suffer from all of these conditions should purchase this treatment and start repairing and eliminating their stretch mark and skin problems.

Anyone that is suffering from stretch marks, age spots, skin blotches, freckles or skin discoloration should try using this therapy treatment. There are so many different kinds of stretch marks? treatments on the market that it is hard to decipher which one is the best to use. Since this therapy has proven successful results, it is a fantastic solution for people that have been searching for something that really works. It is very discouraging to try treatment after treatment and each one fail to do the job it supposed to do. Below are the active ingredients that are in the Cosmetyn and Demaplex-12 Complex along with each ingredient main function.

Palmitoyl Oligopeptide - Helps skin''s health, resiliency and pliancy

Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7 - decreases scars lines, wrinkles and stretch marks by making the skin more thick.

Rutin - produces more natural elasticity and collagen

Emblica Phyllanthus Extract - aids in the fading of the pink and blue colors of scars and stretch marks

Emu Oil - assists in mending scars and stretch marks

Acetyl Hexapeptide-8 - an amino acid that mends and defends against stretch marks, fine lines and wrinkles

Phaseolus Lutanus Extract - ceases the body''s fusion of Chemotrypsin and Trypsin, which makes the body to be able to elasticity and collagen

Licorice Extract - decreases skin discoloration and those unsightly age spots

Hydrocotyl Extract - Uses anti-psoriatic, antibacterial and mending effects to repair stretch marks and scars

Bearberry Extract - This is a lightener that helps defend against the discoloration of freckles, stretch marks and age spots

These are the main ingredients that are in Cosmetyn-Intense Stretch Mark Therapy. The combination of these ingredients will show significant improvement in the flaws of stretch marks, scars, blemishes and other skin conditions that mar the body. This formula is highly recommended for anyone that suffers from these problems and will soon show visible results shortly after starting the treatment. This may be the one treatment that will stop in your search of a true solution for your problem. Cosmetyn-Intense Stretch Mark Therapy is a miracle treatment therapy that will finally stop the nightmare of those hideous stretch marks and other skin problems.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Pregnancy Stretch Mark

Pregnant women develop stretch marks due to the stretch and expansion of the skin all over the body. While some people are only concerned about getting them on their bellys, (pregnancy stretch mark) it is important to keep in mind that stretch marks can also develop on the arms, breasts, thighs and buttocks. Maintaining a healthy diet and nutrition, along with the drinking plenty of water will help pregnant women retain good health that will translate to better skin conditions. However, to effectively prevent the stretch mark scars, the best method still lies with the application of pregnancy stretch mark cream.

Pregnancy stretch mark cream treatments are similar to the regular stretch creams on the market, however, the pregnancy cream is basically encouraging the healing of skin cells, retaining moisture in the skin, and in some cases, creating stronger structure in the skin membrane to prevent the tears that lead to the stetch marks. The biggest difference between the creams made for pregnant women and its general counterpart is in the ingredients that are used in the product, as pregnant women are more sensitive towards chemicals.

Another difference comes in the product itself. Pregnancy creams tend to focus more on hydrating the skin and increase elasticity, strengthening skin cells, while other creams on the market are built with the emphasis on skin cell repair to minimize the visibility of stretch marks. Common ingredients in pregnancy creams include collagen, vitamin E and vitamin C.

It is tough to actually judge the effectiveness of creams when it comes to preventing pregnancy stretch marks. However, there are certainly examples of women that have used the products to a large degree of success previously. After a clear analysis in the other alternatives available on the market when it comes to prevent the stretch mark scars, using pregnancy stretch mark cream still remains as the best available option for pregnant ladies who are concerned about their skin during and after delivery.

Upon choosing to give a pregnancy stretch mark cream a try, you should first find learn more and read the ingredeints of each product and discuss them with your doctor to ensure that it is suitable for your condition.

Revitol makes a great all natural pregnancy stretch mark cream that has many wonderful reviews.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Breast Stretch Marks Cures

Having stretch marks is considered a nightmare by many women. The obsession with physical beauty has made women want to look perfect in every part of their body. Certainly, having breast stretch marks can ruin that unforgiving concept of beauty. The good news is that stretch marks can be somehow avoided and, if you have the money, can be cured.

Dermatology has defined stretch marks, also called as striae, as a form of scarring on the skin caused by the tearing of the dermis, which is the middle layer helping the skin retain its original shape. Stretch marks develop when there is rapid stretching of the skin, which happens during immediate growth in early puberty or in the last stages of pregnancy. When the rapid stretching of the skin overpowers the elasticity of the dermis, causing streaks in a silvery white due to appear on the affected areas, which may be the thighs, buttocks, hips, belly, arms, and/or breasts. This means that, as long as the dermis is supported, no breast stretch marks will occur.

Thus, perhaps the best way to fight breast stretch marks is to avoid getting them. You must ensure the dermis in your chest area remains supported especially when you are experiencing weight gain due to pregnancy or some other cause. To help you do this, use an effective moisturizer, lotion or oil and massage your breasts regularly to help improve blood circulation and the elasticity of your skin. Studies have shown that regular application of Trofolastin or Verum can prevent the development of several depressed skin streaks or stretch marks. Trofolastin is a cream that contains collagen-elastin hydrolysates, vitamin E, and extracts of Centella asiatica, while Verum is yet another creams that contains elastin, hyaluronic acid, menthol, panthenol, and vitamin E. Together, these ingredients provide the supportive material that prevents epidermal and dermal tearing.

There is an ingredient found in creams, ointments, lotions, and other topical medications that claim to lighten stretch marks which you should avoid if you are pregnant or breastfeeding: Retin-A. There have been studies that associated Retin-A with risks in pregnancies. Although there is no proof that Retin-A has adverse effects on mothers who breastfeed and their babies, doctors have advised against using stretch marks solutions containing this substance. Cocoa butter, on the other hand, is one ingredient that enjoys popularity and is highly recommended.

Stretch marks first appear in a color that's far from your skin color. They are usually born in purple, brown, or reddish color but will soon fade into gray. While stretch marks will totally disappear, breast stretch marks can be cured to lighten fast and blend with the color of your skin so that they will become less noticeable to the unknowing eye.

Some women resort to cosmetic surgery to remove their breast stretch marks. Laser treatments and dermabrasion are some of the technological cures for stretch marks, not only in the breast area but in other areas in the body that have stretch marks

Stretch Marks On Breast

Stretch marks on breast are actually small tears that form in the tissue that supports the skin and helps it stretch. Stretch marks represent the tearing or separation of collagen from the skin when tearing occurs. Stretch marks are not harmful or painful and usually fade over time.

Weight loss/weight gain ? Putting on a lot of weight over a short time can also cause stretch marks. And if you are on a diet and intended to lose weight, there is a possibility in the appearance of stretch marks. On relieving stretch marks, nothing is known as an exact treatment for the marks. But the following initial treatments should help you to fade stretch marks on the breast.

Skin over the abdomen is supple and has an underneath fat deposition. Sudden loss of weight after the baby is born makes the skin loose and striae appear prominent at that time, which is when most women start worrying about them. Normally after pregnancy, these stretch marks fade away slowly as the body comes back to normalcy and is repairing all the tissues. Usually after12 months post partum these marks do fade away and are much lighter than before.

Various stretch mark treatments are available for breast stretch mark removal like TriLastin or Revitol creams, You may also use Vitamin E oil or Palmers cocoa butter. If the stretch marks are really severe and these treatments do not help, consult your health care specialist, as there are laser treatments, dermabrasion, tretenoin, isotretenoin, adepalin as well as other methods.

Breast stretch marks may be formed on the belly, buttocks, thighs, upper arms or breasts or any area where fat tends to accumulate. The main cause of breast stretch marks is that during pregnancy the hormones begin to induce the breasts for lactating to feed the unborn baby. If the person's weight gain is sudden and enormous the skin and underlying tissue stretch beyond their capacity, the collagen deep in the tissues break apart.

Pregnancy stretch marks are not at all harmful and can be treated easily by some herbal treatments also. These herbal treatments include daily massage with cocoa butter, olive oil, wheat germ oil. Other home made recipes can also be tried as they can in no way harm your skin. These recipes includes rubbing of apricot scrub on affected areas.

It is advisable that you should never overeat as it may result in rapid weight gain. Also, you should never cut your diet too much which may reduce your weight instantly. Every step, whether for gaining or losing should be taken slowly to avoid the occurrence of pregnancy stretch marks. One of the most important advices given by the doctors to all the expected mothers is to have a good natural source of folic acid.

Women with serious patches may have to opt for laser treatment or dermabrasion. These options have become quite popular in the recent years, because they offer a high success rate. Laser treatment can totally reduce or significantly reduce the presence of stretch marks on breast, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, and hips. Laser treatment is an expensive option, but well worth a try.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

When to Consider Stretch Marks Laser Treatment

There is a debate between researchers in the medical community who think that stretch marks laser treatments are more effective than using creams, and vice versa. Ultimately this is something that you, the consumer, will have to decide for yourself.

Anyone, men or women who develops stretch marks would like to know, can they be removed? And the fact is, most of the time the answer is no. But there are things you can do to prevent stretch marks (striae) by keeping your weight stable and your skin moisturized. There is a debate between those in the medical community who think that stretch marks laser treatments are more effective than using creams, and vice versa. Ultimately this is something that you, the consumer, will have to decide for yourself.

Stretch marks laser treatment is moderately effective on stretch marks that are pretty new; older stretch marks that have turned to a silver or white color and are somewhat deep do not respond as well to laser treatments. The laser treatments basically work to blur the lines rather than actually remove them. Of course, losing weight and exercise are probably the most effective means of reducing them, but in cases where they are unsightly, then stretch marks laser treatment can be considered.

The use of skin moisturizers and creams to decrease or get rid of stretch marks has not been conclusively proven to be a hundred per cent effective, but it certainly does not hurt. At the very least, use of creams can help to keep the skin moist and prevent them from getting any worse. Some preventative creams have demonstrated modest success in shrinking them, such as Revitol.

Probably the best stretch mark creams to use are those with the following ingredients: cocoa butter, Vitamin E oil or shea butter. All of these ingredients have been shown to keep skin moisturized. The use of creams and lotions, while not effective in completely removing the marks, has been shown to at least slow or reduce them to a healthy degree.

If you're having a difficult time finding a cream that works for you, then it may be time to look into stretch mark laser treatment.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Belly Stretch Marks - Prevention Tips!

Statistics show that around 75 to 90 percent of pregnant women develop belly stretch marks during the last stages of their pregnancy. As your body continues to experience rapid weight gain, most especially during the sixth and seventh months of your pregnancy cycle or calendar, robust red, brown, or purple lines appear on your bulging tummy and even on other areas, such as your breasts and thighs if you're carrying a big baby. Naturally, just like any other pregnant woman, keeping your body as intact as it was before your pregnancy is your goal and to be able to achieve this, you should find out how to prevent pregnancy stretch marks.

Before surfing the web for tips on how to avoid belly stretch marks, you should first learn about stretch marks in generally, specifically basic information as to what they are and what causes them. This way, you can understand what it takes to prevent them and discern which products are credible and likely to work.

Stretch marks are depressed streaks that can develop in your skin when your body goes through an unexpected or very rapid growth or weight gain. This is because the elastic supportive tissue that lies beneath the skin experiences changes, and the dermis, the middle layer assigned to help the skin keep its shape, loses support. Pregnant women usually get them on the abdominal area as their pregnancy progresses. Before belly stretch marks pop out, itching around the area is normally experienced. When they first appear, stretch marks are red, purple, or brown in color but change into silvery white or gray over a period of time.

While some experts have said that genetics play a role in the development of stretch marks, there is no clear proof to support the connection. However, some factors have been determined to boost weight gain, which is the primary cause of stretch marks. When you are pregnant, you are more likely to get belly stretch marks if you are carrying a big baby or multiples, have excess amniotic fluid, eat fattening foods that make you gain more than the necessary and expected weight.

Most pregnant women use their pregnancy as an excuse to pig out. On the contrary, there is no need to switch to a bigger diet just because you are pregnant. In fact, the recommended weight gain in most cases ranges from only 20 to 35 pounds. Gaining the weight slowly is key to preventing belly stretch marks from forming. What you need to do is to stick to a healthy diet and regular exercise, with recommendations from your doctor as to what you are allowed to do, of course.

To control your weight gain, eat a diverse and balanced diet that has the nutrition you and your baby needs. Perform some stretching in the morning and evening to help your blood circulation improve and make your skin's elasticity better. Avoid scratching your belly as this may trigger the manifestation of stretch marks. When you feel the itch, use a soft wash cloth to massage the area. These free prevention tips should keep those ugly, unwanted belly stretch marks away.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Pregnancy Stretch Marks and Skin Changes

There are countless physical changes to your skin, both pleasurable and painful attributed to your pregnancy only.

The common skin change that most pregnant woman experience is the stretch marks. Stretch marks are separations of the outer layers of skin caused by the overstretching of underlying layers.

Beside pregnant women, stretch marks are found on children who are obese, adolescents who have a sudden growth spurt during puberty and athletes and body builders who do constant exercises. The most commonly affected areas by stretch marks are hips, abdomen, breasts, thighs and buttocks. Stretch marks are itchy reddish marks.

In pregnancy, heredity plays an important role in determining who will have and will not have stretch marks. If your mother has had them, chances are that you will get them too, unless you were born with stretchy skin. There is no sure shot remedy for stretch marks as mostly they fade after delivery. The only way to avoid stretch marks is to prevent them. We recommend the following ?

- Massage vitamin E or olive oil on the abdomen areas from the start of your pregnancy. Massage it liberally over the marks after a shower. Incase you skip a shower, clean the area with a wet cloth and then apply the oil.

- Regular exercise helps to tone your muscles and keep your skin firm.

- Maintain healthy diet and drink plenty of water. Plenty of proteins and vitamin C & E foods should be included in your diet. Increase your intake of minerals such as zinc and silica to maintain healthy skin.

- One ounce of sweet almond or jojoba oil with 7-8 drops of lavender and chamomile oils is a good homemade recipe.

- Avoid excessive weight gain in a short time span.

- Cocoa butter reduces stretch marks and helps to keep the skin supple.

- Wear a glove and massage your skin to increase circulation.

- While massaging your body with body oil, add coconut and almond oil. Daily massage with Olive oil, flaxseed oil, cod liver oil or vitamin E oil after shower or before sleeping is an excellent home remedy for either preventing or treating stretch marks.

- To avoid stretch marks around breasts, wear a supportive maternity bra.

- To make stretch mark cream, mix 1/2 cup cocoa butter, 1 tsp wheat germ oil, 1 tsp apricot kernel oil, vitamin E oil and 2 tsp grated beeswax. Heat the mixture until cocoa butter and beeswax melt, stir well and store in air tight conditioner.

Removing Stretch Marks - Without Surgery

Removing Stretch Marks - Without Surgery

Stretch marks come along with obesity, pregnancy, and weight gain. But the main thing is that they develop primarily because the skin overstretches. Imagine a rubber band that gets stretched beyond its maximum limit. It ends up loosely, right? The same thing happens to the skin. The scar may appear as reddish, purplish, or silvery whitish in color. The scarring typically takes place in the dermis, the elastic mid layer of the skin that keeps it properly shaped up. And as these marks get embedded onto the skin, you can forget about gaining back its original outline. Thus, removing stretch marks comes as a need.

When you have stretch marks, you can expect your skin to have a different texture. It is also literally implied that your self-confidence can be affected. There is no doubt that people since time immemorial have paid much attention on the maintenance of their beauty. And it is not so much to say that beauty starts with the skin.

Surgery seems to be the fastest and surest way of removing stretch marks. However, the cost of which is just too high that not everyone can afford it. The skin care companies are aware of the needs of those who are badly affected by stretch marks. No one wants to live forever with the ugly marks that give them the impression that they are unattractive in one way or another. Stretch marks removal is their business. A variety of lotions and creams come about as an alternative for surgery. More so, they are cheaper too. Clear enough, surgery is not the only solution to address the issue on these unpleasant skin scarring.

Meanwhile, not all creams and lotions are successful in removing stretch marks. Some people end up complaining that the money that they have spent seems not to pay off. Again, it depends on the product and its ingredients. There are those components which don't penetrate into the skin to mend any damaged tissue. This instance tells that you should be careful enough as you buy the products for removing stretch marks.

Among the measures that you can apply in removing stretch marks include the following:

Make use of the lotions that bear the essentials such as Emu oil, Castor oil, Jojoba oil, Cocoa butter, Vitamin E oil, Vitamin A oil, Shea butter, and the likes.

The application may be needed for two up to three times in a day.

Massage the removal cream or lotion onto the skin for around 3 up to 5 minutes to allow the proper flow of the blood into the body.

Try the home remedies by using Aloe Vera, Olive oil, Vick's vapor rub, and almond oil. Or you can trust what other people say about the efficiency of egg powder or egg whites.

Ensure that your skin is properly hydrated. Therefore, you must drink more water.

Eat healthy foods. Your meals must incorporate foods which are rich in vitamins E, C, and A, silica, zinc, protein, and fatty acids.

Both men and women are likely to be distressed with these ugly marks. But take note that there are other painless alternatives other than surgery in removing stretch marks!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Stretch Marks Home Remedies - How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are scars left behind when skin is overstretched, and fibers in the middle layer (dermis) have broken. They most often occur during pregnancy, bodybuilding, extreme weight gain, occasionally puberty and are usually found on the abdomen, breasts, buttocks, legs, and upper arms. Fresh stretch marks appear initially as red lines and then slowly fade to a pale white color over the course of several months. While it is possible to reduce and even eliminate the appearance of stretch marks, it is much easier to prevent them.

Stretch marks (striae) ? pink, red or purple streaks on the skin ? may occur where skin is rapidly stretched. Stretch marks are most often associated with rapid weight gain and pregnancy. Unfortunately, there are very few effective treatments for stretch marks. The actual cause of stretch marks has not yet been determined so far. A reduction in collagen level in the skin affects the structure of the skin and may lead to occurrence of stretch marks. The pink color that shows in the initial stages points to rupturing of the small blood vessels in the outer layers of your skin.

Before you contemplate splurging your hard-earned cash on the latest, most expensive creams or the newest advances in surgical procedures, there are some easy and helpful ways you can do in the comfort of your own home to treat stretch marks.

If your stretch marks are not too faded or are relatively new, try using a loofah or body brush while bathing or showering and gently scrub the affected areas. Doing so would loosen and remove the dead skin cells on the surface of the stretch marks, leaving the new skin in your natural color beneath it.

There are also countless oils and creams available over the counter which you could try. In some cases, these could help reduce the severity of your stretch marks. Remember though, that if you are expecting, it would be wise to ask your physician prior to starting the use of any oils and creams to get rid of stretch marks.

Prescription creams are also available for the treatment of stretch marks. These may be very successful on mild stretch marks and may improve the appearance of deeper stretch marks as well. Retin-A cream is commonly used to reduce the redness in new stretch marks and may help prevent prominent scarring. However, Retin-A can only be used on newer stretch marks that are still red or pink, typically less than one year old.

You may also opt to see your dermatologist to get an appropriate prescription cream such as Retin-A. A significant decrease in the size of stretch marks has been observed in patients who have participated in Retin-A studies.

However, Retin-A should not be used to get rid of stretch marks by pregnant or lactating women, as there have not been a sufficient number of studies done to prove it could not adversely affect an unborn child. Revitol would be the best choice here
along with Palmers stretch mark cream.

Laser surgery is by far the most definitive and permanent means of to get rid of stretch marks. Keep in mind that the type of laser to be used would largely depend on the coloration of your stretch marks.

There are certain expensive and difficult surgeries that will help to reduce the look of stretch marks. If they bother you that bad, then see a doctor about getting a microdermobrasion surgery to remove the marks. Laser surgery is also an effective way to fight the awful looking things. These are extreme measures only for those who are serious about getting rid of skin problems.

Generally, you should want to do something about your stretch marks because you want to and not because someone is pressuring you. If a lover or loved one is forcing you to do something about it, then consider a relationship change. It will be easier to get rid of that bum than it will be to get rid of the stretch marks.

At-Home Options

Many skin care experts say that keeping the skin soft and supple, not to mention well hydrated, can help ward off stretch marks, so be sure to drink lots of water (which is good for your skin in general). If you already have stretch marks and would like a way to cover them up, then you can use regular body makeup or you can buy specially formulated creams that work to remove stretch marks but are also tinted to help make them less visible.

Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are ugly scars, which affect a thin layer of the skin and are the results of the stretching of the skin.

This stretching occurs during pregnancy for most women. Stretch marks are also associated with being overweight so physical exercise plays a very important
part of stretch mark prevention. Men who lift weights such as bodybuilders may also get stretch marks.

When stretch marks first come to the surface they are purple or reddish scars. However they fade with age and eventually turn white in color with time.

When searching for stretch marks treatments to help remedy stretch marks, It’s very important to know that the layer of skin that has to be treated has three layers,
the epidermis which is the top layer, the dermis or middle layer and the subcutaneous stratum, which is the inner layer.

The dermis is responsible for helping skin hold its shape and firmness. When the skin is stretched over and over it loses it elasticity. This is when the dermis loses its support causing dermal and epidermal tearing, which is what we call stretch marks.

Stretch marks usually appear in the areas of the body where the highest amounts of fat are stored (i.e. during pregnancy and maternity, and the most common areas are the stomach, upper arms, breasts, underarms, hips, buttocks and the inner and outer thighs.

A quality stretch marks cream can help in shading and eventually fading these scars.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Causes and Treatment of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks happen to men and women, fat and thin, young and old. In most cases they don''t hurt or irritate so a lot of people don''t even notice them until they get really bad. In the beginning stage they are pinkish red (caused by micro blood vessels breaking up and bleeding) or faint pale, later on mostly change to pale silvery white. If they expand, they can literally cover your whole body and 2 people told me that they got them on the face - can you imagine that?

When the skin is subjected to extreme stretching, it causes the tiny skin fibers to tear. Though they cannot be repaired, certain treatments are available to fade the appearance of stretch marks.

Exfoliation is a process that helps remove dead skin cells. The soft new skin that appears after exfoliation may improve the appearance of the skin. The skin needs to be adequately moisturized after exfoliation. Certain ointments do help in improving the appearance of fresh stretch marks, but they have no effect on older marks. Laser surgery does have a limited success rate, but it is too expensive a process.

Apart from the most obvious reasons, there is now an evolving belief that abnormal hormonal activity can also lead to stretch marks. If this is true, their exacerbation in puberty and pregnancy may be for more than purely physical reasons. In fact, there seems to be evidence that hormonal changes brought on by major depression can also cause the problem. Additionally, the use of steroids can cause and exacerbate it.

Stretch marks often occur in the normal course of development especially in women. They are frequently aggravated by rapid growth, pregnancy, hormones and some other natural causes. Severe stretch marks can be caused by some medications including steroids such as cortisone. Stretch marks are weaknesses in the supporting structure of the skin causing layers of the skin to separate leaving the skin grooved and discolored.

Lotions, creams and other topical treatments will not reach the dermis, but they can help relieve the itchiness or dryness associated with stretch marks. Keeping the skin moisturized decreases any discomfort that may be felt and if stretch marks are treated when they first appear, their appearance may be reduced significantly. Massaging nutrient-rich natural oils such as wheatgerm, jojoba or vitamin E can help heal the epidermis and also increase blood circulation to the affected area, assisting the healing process. Pregnant women should avoid products containing clary sage, basil, cinnamon or thyme, as these might adversely affect the fetus.

Drink plenty of water. Adequate hydration keeps your skin soft and less likely to develop stretch marks. Caffeine can increase your risk of stretch marks. If you''re stuck on your caffeinated coffee or tea, make sure you balance the fluids. Drink just as much?or more?water as you drink coffee, tea, or soda. Stretch marks can also result from nutritional deficiency. Be sure to consume foods that promote skin health: foods rich in zinc, such as nuts or fish; foods high in vitamins A and C, such as carrots and citrus fruits and milk; protein-rich foods, such as eggs.

Laser treatment for stretch marks has become popular owing to its effectiveness. Laser therapy has no side effects. Improper treatment can cause scarring, so be sure you go only to a certified clinic for treatment. Laser therapy might cost a little more, but it is also more effective in some cases of Stretch marks breasts.
If you are expecting a baby and notice those telltale Stretch marks breasts, do not worry - treatment for stretch marks have become more effective.